
Celebration Recognizing UNH 研究ers and 永利app新版本官网地址

每年, 研究办公室, Economic Engagement and 外展 celebrates the many UNH faculty, 博士后研究人员, 研究生, and staff who received prestigious external honors, 奖, 特殊的识别 or other accolades for their 研究, 奖学金, 有创意的, 创新, 或者外展成果.

In 2024, we are celebrating those who received recognition in 2023.

在四月 2024年庆典, we also announced the winner of the 2024年度创新者 award as well as Graduate 教师 Mentor of the Year and graduate student awards for 研究/奖学金/Creativity, Teaching, and Public Engagement and 外展.


  • 为了庆祝的目的, the word 'honor' is used to describe a prestigious honor/award, 奖, 特殊的识别, or other accolade based on merit for scholarly achievement
  • Honorees are current UNH faculty (all types), postdocs, staff, or 研究生
  • Honor was received between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 from an entity external to UNH
  • Honor is related to 研究/scholarly/有创意的 activity/innovation/outreach achievement in honoree's field
  • National level appointments to a Society's Board of Directors are considered honors
  • 撰写的书, 期刊文章, or produced play that received an award or 奖 are considered honors
  • Highly prestigious, merit-based grants and/or 奖学金s are considered honors
    一些例子:NSF职业奖, USDA/NIFA职业影响力奖, NSF研究生研究奖学金, "named" 奖学金s for 研究生, and Fulbright 奖学金s and Fellowships